Roger Cuthbert Quilter (1877 – 1953) was a British composer, known particularly for his art songs. His songs, which number over a hundred, often set music to text by William Shakespeare and are a mainstay of the English art song tradition. Wikipedia
Art Songs
- op. 01. Four Songs of the Sea
- op. 03. Three Songs
- op. 06. Three Shakespeare Songs (First Set)
- op. 08. To Julia
- op. 12. Seven Elizabethan Lyrics
- op. 14. Four Songs
- op. 18. Six Songs
- op. 20. Three Blake Songs
- op. 22. Three Pastoral Songs
- op. 23. Five Shakespeare Songs (Second Set)
- op. 24. Five English Love Lyrics
- op. 25. Five Songs
- op. 26. Two Songs
- op. 30. Four Shakespeare Songs (Third Set)
- op. 32. Two Shakespeare Songs (Fourth Set)
- Two Songs
Complete Alphabetical Listing
- A Secret
- A Secret
- Autumn Evening
- Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind
- By the Sea
- By the Sea
- Cherry Valley
- Cherry-Ripe
- Come Away, Death
- Come Back
- Come Back!
- Damask Roses
- Dream Valley
- Fair House of Joy
- Fear No More the Heat o’ the Sun
- Fill a Glass with Golden Wine
- Go, Lovely Rose
- I Have a Friend
- I Have a Friend
- In the Bud of the Morning-O
- It Was a Lover and His Lass
- Love’s Philosophy
- Moonlight
- Moonlight
- My Life’s Delight
- Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal
- O Mistress Mine
- Orpheus with His Lute
- Over the Land Is April
- Sigh No More, Ladies
- Song of the Blackbird
- Spring Is at the Door
- Take, O Take Those Lips Away
- The Faithless Shepherdess
- The Sea-Bird
- The Sea-Bird
- To Daisies
- Under the Greenwood Tree
- Weep You No More
- When Icicles Hang by the Wall
- Who is Silvia?