Happy birthday, Charles Tomlinson Griffes

Charles Tomlinson Griffes, born 9/17/1884, was an American pianist and composer. Charles Griffes is considered the most famous American representative of musical Impressionism.

Griffes traveled to Berlin in 1903 to study music at the Stern Conservatory, where he was briefly mentored by composer Engelbert Humperdinck.

When Griffes began writing in Berlin, he utilized musical language heavily influenced by Brahms & Strauss.

In 1907, Griffes returned to America and became the director of music at the Hackley School for Boys in Tarrytown, New York, where he taught piano and organ, directed the choir, and performed concerts. The job frustrated him, but the steady income allowed him more time to compose.

Griffes’ unpublished Sho-jo (1917) is a drama based on Japanese themes.

More on Charles Tomlinson Griffes on Wikipedia at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Tomlinson_Griffes and at the Library of Congress at https://www.loc.gov/item/ihas.200035712/.

View our entire collection of Charles Griffes texts: ser/g/griffes-charles-tomlinson-1884-1920.html

Listen to Meeresstille (Calm Sea): https://youtu.be/dYMziHevSD0?list=PL8QjWIlbYjVqfEklIHpbSnljQ6KlgUyQU and download the IPA text here: https://www.ipasource.com/catalog/product/view/id/6388/category/578/